Get to know us

We are a team of experience financial planner professionals to provide you sound unbias financial planning solutions to help you achieve your financial goals.


We aim to establish ourselves as the go-to resource for comprehensive Financial Advisory advice, drawing clients to us in next 3 years.


Embracing digitalization and harnessing cutting-edge fintech solutions, we are dedicated to consistently delivering quality services moving towards the South East Asia region.


Elevating Your Financial Wellbeing to Our Highest Achievement

Our meticulously crafted core values are designed to deliver exceptional care, dedicated to ensuring your financial journey is guided with the utmost expertise and dedication.

Our Team

Our team is made up of individuals who bring their unique perspectives, professionalism, and extensive experience to the table. Each member is highly knowledgeable in their respective fields, which enables us to provide our clients with top-notch services. Moreover, our team boasts a strong financial background, ensuring that we have a solid understanding of the financial landscape and can make informed decisions. We believe that our diversity in skills and backgrounds strengthens our team and allows us to tackle complex challenges with innovative solutions. Together, we are dedicated to delivering exceptional results and exceeding our clients' expectations.

The Origin of GENQ

To achieve a robust FQ (Financial Quotient), a combination of IQ (Intelligence Quotient) and EQ (Emotional Quotient) is essential for informed financial decisions and goal attainment. Additionally, fostering innovation and creativity requires a high CQ (Curiosity Quotient), continuous learning through R&D (Research & Development).

Surviving in our dynamic world demands AQ (Adaptability Quotient) to navigate changes in technology, lifestyles, and business models effectively. However, true success and inner peace necessitate a thriving SQ (Spiritual Quotient) as a cornerstone of a fulfilling life.